Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My 1st Birthday

Here are a couple of pictures from Isabel's birthday party. We had such a good time. I thought it was going to be rough because she had only taken a 45 minute nap that day. But she did really well. I can't believe my little girl is one. It was very hard not to cry! Time goes by so fast and I cherish every moment we have had together. Isabel is also working on walking. She will do it hanging on to stuff but she really could do it without holding on but she hasn't gotten her nerve up yet.

Not my best picture but it was funny!

Way Behind

Isabel loves bath time!

Isabel hanging out with Daddy

Ok. I know I am way behind but it has been a crazy month. Isabel has been sick a lot this month and then Brian and I got sick. I have also been getting ready for Isabel's first birthday. So I am just going to post some random pictures to catch everyone up.